Windows Vista, Do We Need Ya?

September 5, 2006

There’s a lot of talk around Windows Vista, the next version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. As a technology professional, I’m obligated to research this application and discover its advantages and disadvantages.

I’ll be using the beta version of Windows Vista. This means that I will install a pre-release or test version of the application and can evaluate it on my own computer. Fortunately, I have a spare computer to install it on. The stability of the program remains to be seen and potentially compromising my work PC is not an option.

In the end, I expect to know if the new version is worth upgrading to. I’m sure I will on at least one of my computers, as a few features have already peaked my interest, without even seeing it yet:

  • Windows Backup — improved interface for backing up and restoring data files
  • Networking — simplifying home and business networks with the same utility
  • New Explorers — helping to categorize my files so I can quickly navigate to documents, music, photos and other grouped file types without laboriously searching through folders.

More information about Windows Vista can be found on Microsoft’s website.
